sexta-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2009

Em contra ciclo

"Yesterday I spoke to a representative from a bodyboard and foam surfboard manufacturing company. He told me that statistically bodyboard manufacturing is one of the few industries to go through a boom during recession years. The reason being, people still want to enjoy the beach lifestyle, without forking out the excess clams for a fibreglass surfboard. Remember the crash in ’87, and what ensued in the 90’s? It’s good news, I guess. I mean, it’s better than more people surfing, right? It just means you gotta hone your toasting skills. "

Para quem não sabe inglês, basicamente um empresário ligado ao surf e ao bodyboard afirma que a indústria do bodyboard está em contra ciclo, isto é, está a crescer em tempos de crise...